The Processed Food Dilemma: Rethinking Healthy Eating
In the world of nutrition, there's a common narrative that if you just eliminate a particular food or food group, you'll achieve your health goals—be it weight loss, better sleep, or improved hormonal balance. Over the years, we've seen various foods come under scrutiny: gluten, dairy, sugar, soy, lectins, oxalates—the list goes on. This ever-changing roster of "foods to avoid" can be incredibly confusing, leaving many wondering what they should actually eat.
Sustainable Weight Loss: A Comprehensive Approach to Better Health
Weight loss is a common concern I see frequently in my office. Many individuals want to lose weight for various reasons, ranging from improving their health to enhancing their appearance. While weight plays an important role in your health, it is not the end-all-be-all to good health.
The Hidden Costs of Supplements: Are You Wasting Money on Unnecessary Pills?
In today's world, it's easy to get excited about the latest health trends and miracle supplements. With flashy headlines and persuasive marketing, the supplement industry has grown tremendously. Many people spend hundreds of dollars each year on a variety of supplements, often taking anywhere from 3 to 10 different ones without fully understanding their purpose